Terms and conditions

Important legal disclaimer for Reach It

Risks of product use

The contents of the Reach It website are not a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis. None of the meal plans or exercise programs offered by the Reach It website should be followed or performed, or otherwise used without first obtaining the medical clearance from the participant’s doctor or health care provider. The information contained in the Reach It website is not intended to offer or provide to the participant specific physical or mental health advice, nor any other advice whatsoever. Reach It is not a medical professional, and nothing in her website should be misconstrued to mean otherwise.

There may be risks associated with participating in the meal plans recommended, described, or mentioned on the Reach It website. Therefore, each participant should first obtain medical clearance from the participant’s doctor or physician. This disclosure applies to participants that are in poor health or with pre-existing physical or mental health conditions, and also for participants who are currently in good health. Because there are inherent risks in participating in any offered meal plans or exercise programs, the participant is advised  not join in any meal plans or exercise programs before first obtaining the medical advice and clearance of the participants doctor or health care provider. If a participant chooses to participate in the meal plans and exercise programs recommended by the Reach It website, the participant does it is based on his/her own free will and accord, knowingly and voluntarily, assuming all risks associated with the use of such dietary and exercise activities.

As with any exercise program the participant assumes certain risks to his/her health and safety. Any form of exercise can cause injuries. Consequently, it is possible that a participant may be injured performing the workouts described in any advertised exercise program, including the exercise programs offered by the Reach It website. The risk of injury increases if the exercise program is performed by the participant with inappropriate and/or incorrect form. Although thorough instruction is included on the correct form for each exercise offered by Reach It, realize that any exercise program may subject a person to a potential risk of injury. If you choose to participate in a Reach It exercise program you do so of your own free will and accord, knowingly and voluntarily assuming all risks associated with such exercise activities. Take note that the risks associated with any form of exercise may exist for all persons, including those who are currently in good or excellent physical shape and health.

Reach It hereby declares that she is not a medical doctor or health care provider. None of her advice, whether it be on her website, or included in her meal plans and exercise programs, is meant as a substitute for proper medical advice. Therefore, the participant should consult his/her doctor or health care provider before participating in any of the meal plans or exercise programs offered by Reach It, with no exceptions. The participant is hereby informed that the participant is subscribing to the meal plans and exercise programs offered by Reach It at his/her own risk. The participant is advised herby advised before purchasing a subscription and participating in any of the offered programs, that Reach It is not in any way to be held liable or responsible for any health problems or injuries a participant may suffer or experience, including the death of participant, as a result of following any meal plans and performing the exercise programs recommended and available in this Reach It website.

Generally expected results

The meal plans and exercise programs offered by Reach It are intended to be fully executed and implemented by the participant to obtain maximum results. The participant is hereby cautioned that even if he/she implements correctly the meal plans and exercise programs recommended and offered by Reach It, it is possible that due to a number of unpredictable causes, including the participants age, health, genetics, and body condition, the participant may not lose fat, gain muscle, or achieve any positive results of any kind.

Testimonial disclaimer

All the testimonials provided in the Reach It website are true and correct. However, the participant is warned that the testimonials are meant only as a showcase of what the most motivated and dedicated participants have achieved by following the meal plans and exercise programs offered by Reach It in her website. The testimonials are not provided or claimed to represent typical results to be attained by any particular participant, nor that a participant may attain the same results compared to someone else when using the Reach It meal plans and exercise programs. Results vary depending on a participants previous exercise history, genetics, and personal motivation and dedication. The end results for each participant will depend upon on the amount of effort and dedication each participant invests in the programs.

Limitation on liability

The participant is hereby informed that in no event shall Reach It be liable to a participant for any damages alleged by any participant resulting from the implementation or use of any of the programs offered in the Reach It website, other than the rights granted to ta participant by applicable statutory consumer protection laws.

Billing information

The participant will pay Reach It for the program via any of the provided payment options. Once the participants subscription plan has been accepted and paid for, there will be no refund should the participant decide to terminate the subscription before its termination date.

If you have any questions about the Reach It meal plans and exercise programs, please send us an email at info@savannahprez.com with your questions, and we will contact you to answer any of your questions.